Coffee making & tasting experience


2:00pm : welcome tea 2:10pm: introducing about the history and the development of Vietnamese coffee industry 2:20pm: learning how to distinguish between 2 main Vietnamese coffee types: Robusta and Arabica 2:30pm: watching the process of roasting coffee 2:45pm: learn to make coffee: + the traditional Vietnamese coffee - phin cafe + the egg coffee + drip coffee + coconut coffee + espresso coffee 3:15:pm: enjoy the coffee 3:30pm: making incense 4:00pm: take group photo & finish

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Special requirement

****IF YOU DECIDE TO MANAGE THE TOUR IN A DIFFERENT SCHEDULE PLEASE EMAIL ME @ THETHANHUYENROASTEROFHOIAN@GMAIL.COM OR SIMPLY PURCHASE THE TOUR AND PRIVATE MESSAGE ME. Please note that your time schedule will be changed once you chose a different time frame other than 2:00-4:00 section but the duration of the experience still as 2hrs long. Thanks! Other things to note WE HAVE DIFFERENT LOCATIONS SO PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. OUR MEET UP LOCATION WILL BE 106 LY THUONG KIET, HOI AN, QUANG NAM, VIETNAM. THANKS